Welcome to Little Laughs Photography & Mind Spin Media's photo download platform!

As always, clients have the ability to download all of your large full sized print files. You can download individual files or all of them as a .zip file. You are welcome to print the files however and wherever you would like.


To download them all at once (easiest on a desktop):

1) Choose the "Select Photos" Button

1) On the left hand side, Select "All"

2) Click on "Download"

3) You can enter your email if you want to be notified when the download is complete.

If you are on a mobile device, you can download the large files individually.


As a new addition, I have also added the option to order prints directly through my site to have them professionally printed. This allows me to preview orders and ensure crops and sizes are proper. This way you can get the best prints from your session or event, delivered right to your door.


For those who are selecting the "choose your photo" option, you can view this video to see the process to choose your favorites.



If you have any problems or questions, please give me a call 403-383-1337.